Cherokee IC Shop Crew 1924
Ed wrote the following regarding the names and the caption:
Names and caption taken from Cherokee Daily Times newspaper clipping (undated)
First, the caption:
Back in 1924 when girls were hiding their ears beneath balls of hair and when owning a
four-cylinder touring car was the height of luxury these men kept the wheels turning at
the Illinois Central shops in Cherokee.
They are, left to right, standing, James Casey,George Berry, Tom Demond, Pasquale Tombello, Paul Roisin, Guy Courtright, Arthur
Mongan, C.W. Warren, John Jobe, W.L. Walker, Don White, M.O. Walker, Ed Gunn,James Warrender, Willard Stilts, Fay Smith, Joe Onn, Del Huff, J.A. Wadsley, H.P.Williams, C.T. Flickinger, C.W. Michel and George John. Left to right, kneeling, are
J. Riggs, Fred Halbaner, Elmer Powell, E. Bong, Frank Davis, Bill Sullivan, Ed Pain,Theodore Arnesdorf, Claude DeWayne Skinner, Frank Coburn and Mike Dusenski.